Bring 跟 Take,兩個「帶」哪裡不一樣?

那天上了堂文法課,內容是有關於 BringTake

雖然這兩個單字的中文都是「帶」,但在外師的說明中兩個單字的差異…只不過這講解搞的頭都昏了 Orz,只好自己來查查資料。

Bring ≠ Take


根據外師的說法,雖然兩者的單字的中文都是「帶」,但 bring 和 take 其實是不同「方向」的反義詞。


  1. bring:表把某個東西從某處帶來(from there to here[to you])
  2. take:表把某個東西帶走(from here to there[away from you])


以方向性來說,bring 是讓物品往自身靠近,可以想像是把某個東西從外面帶來,這可以參考下面這張仿繪的圖示:


Ps. 仿繪的素材來源:希平方與上課投影片。


  1. “Don’t forget to bring your books to class tomorrow!” the teacher said to the students.
  2. Are you goning to the kitchen? Can you bring me a glass of water?
  3. Bring your camera with you when ytou go to Taiwan. (因為我們目前在台灣,所以這邊用 bring)
  4. Yesterday he brought me some flower.
  5. Come to our party, bring your guitar.
  6. Everybody is going to bring food to the party.
  7. She always brings present. Yesterday she brought me more chocolates.
  8. Hi, I bring you a gift from London.


而 take 則是讓東西遠離你現在說話的所在地。



  1. Are you going shopping? Take the unbrella. It’s raining.
  2. Are you going to the post office? Would you take these letters and mail them, please?
  3. You have to take your passport when you travel.
  4. Go to the secretary, and take these papers, please.
  5. I took your book yesterday, but I am going to bring it back tomorrow.
  6. We are going out. Take your coat with you. It’s cold outside.


  1. (2018-05-17)。【NG 英文】bring 跟 take 都是『帶』,哪裡不一樣? 。檢自 希平方 (2020-11-19)。
  2. 【易混淆字】bring、take、get、fetch、carry這些容易混淆的動詞到底怎麼用?這樣理解再也不搞混! 。檢自 Engoo線上英文家教 (2020-11-19)。
  3. By Kak 小格子 (2018-08-08)。“Bring” 和 “Take” 的用法有何不同 。檢自 Learn With Kak (2020-11-19)。


  • 2020-12-31 發布
  • 2020-11-20 完稿
  • 2020-11-19 起稿